
Formation for Doctor of Occupational Therapy

详情请参阅 课程目录.


The term “Pre-OT” refers to a course of study intended to prepare students for a Doctor of Occupational Therapy (OTD) program. A student can be any major and still be Pre-OT, but will be most successful in a major he or she is passionate about. However, there are common prerequisite courses required or recommended by OTD programs. 除了, most OTD programs require a student to take the Graduate Record Examination (GRE), and the majority of OTD programs require a certain number of observation hours with a licensed occupational therapist.



Doctor of Occupational Therapy programs are academically intensive, requiring a heavy load of memorization and the comprehension of complex scientific information. 此外, becoming an occupational therapist necessitates the ability to critically analyze, 过程, 太阳城官网, 并交流所学的信息. A mixture of science classes and liberal arts classes will give a strong base for success in an OTD program.

本笃会的大学 offers a variety of rigorous courses both in the sciences and liberal arts that will provide not only the prerequisites needed, but also the liberal arts framework that helps with critical analysis as well as both written and oral communication.


There are common prerequisite courses you have to take to be admitted to occupational therapy school, and several majors will allow you to take these prerequisite courses within the major. These majors are academically rigorous, preparing you for the demands of occupational therapy school. Some examples of preparatory majors for occupational therapists are Psychology, 运动科学, 或生物. According to the 美国职业治疗协会 (AOTA), these are also the most common majors among matriculated occupational therapy students.


Doctor of Occupational Therapy programs expect students to not only have a strong academic record, but also have a strong record of leadership and service outside of the classroom. Students should seek out service opportunities both at the college and in the broader community that demonstrate a desire to help others with compassion and empathy. 此外, students should demonstrate the ability to be a leader in different environments, establishing a clear intrapersonal maturity. 本笃会的大学 has numerous opportunities to be involved in student organizations, 学术团体, and community service projects both at home and abroad.


Doctor of Occupational Therapy programs expect students to have strong letters of evaluations, vouching for the student’s academic aptitude and overall motivation. 这取决于项目, it is required or recommended that at least one of these letters comes from a college professor under which the student has studied. 在本笃学院, because of small class sizes and professor-guided service and research opportunities, students have numerous opportunities to interact one-on-one with professors. This builds relationships that will not only help with recommendation letter writing, but will provide sustainable professional relationships that will provide a basis of community learning during a student’s undergraduate career and beyond.


玛莎Z. Carletti, Ph值.D.

Director of Advising for Pre-Medical 健康care Professions



What Classes Should I Take to Prepare for Occupational Therapy School?

心理学- 4050生物心理学
西奥- 3940基督徒的生命伦理
pysc - 1000普通心理学
心理学- 3901变态心理学
心理学- 2631发展心理学I
心理学- 2641发展心理学II
杂志- 1121年普通生物学1带实验室


  1. 与智力
    1. Display a curiosity in learning different subjects
    2. 努力学习和保留信息
  2. Familiarize Yourself with the 健康care Field
    1. Observe at least two liscensed occupational therapists at different clinical facilities
    2. Obtain experience and important skills for future individual mentorship
    3. 至少观察60小时. 这对接受OTD项目至关重要
  3. 进行志愿者和服务工作
    1. 参与社区活动
    2. 对他人表示同情和理解
    3. Broaden appreciation of diverse backgrounds and experiences
  4. 反思旅程
    1. 认识长处和短处
    2. 寻找机会提高自己

Occupational Therapy Schools That Have Accepted Recent Benedictine Graduates

  • Rockhurst大学
  • 克莱顿大学
  • 密苏里大学
  • 德克萨斯女子大学
  • 堪萨斯大学
  • 南达科他大学
  • 威得恩大学

For more information on preparing for Occupational Therapy School see:

Be sure to take advantage of the post-graduate support and guidance provided by the 本笃会的大学 学生成功中心.